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Happy girls

The Need

We know that girls can struggle socially, emotionally, and academically in the later years of primary school (Years 4 to 6; age 8 to 11) in direct correlation with well documented plummeting levels of self-esteem, confidence and resilience, and a huge increase in poor mental health.

Girlguiding, 2023

Girls' happiness is at a 15-year low.

Young girls need both the opportunities and resources to understand and establish their roles in today's world, particularly as they navigate the challenges of early puberty, hormonal changes, increased social pressures, and the transition to secondary school. As they enter adolescence, the natural inclination towards risk-taking and failure becomes overshadowed by biological and cultural signals urging caution, valuing perfection, and avoiding risks. Parents and society often reinforce these messages (either overtly or inadvertently) while girls’ brains are inundated with oestrogen, which enhances emotional intelligence but reduces risk-taking. This heightened emotional intelligence helps them better interpret their surroundings but also makes them more observant, cautious, doubtful, and less inclined to try.


We conducted our own market research with parents of girls in Year 4 to 6 in the UK (July 2024) and found that:


93% of parents are interested in enrolling their daughter in a club specifically designed for girls to boost their self-esteem, resilience and confidence.

78% of parents are worried about their daughter’s own levels of confidence, resilience and self-esteem.

98% of parents are unaware of any other club offering this type of support and intervention.

100% of parents feel it is important for their daughter to have a supportive environment to explore big feelings, develop friendships, and prepare for secondary school.

Many clubs for girls have traditionally focused on kindness as a core objective. While being kind is undeniably a valuable human trait, it is often interpreted and exhibited as compliance, gentleness and acquiescence – traits which have caged girls and women for centuries! We believe there is a new way to be unapologetically female in the modern world which sheds these restricting traditional expectations and embraces being bold, assertive and self-assured in a compassionate and open-minded way. 


And it starts with the art of being fearless.

Our Objectives

  • To provide a safe, fun and life-changing club experience devoted to helping young girls navigate the modern world.​

  • To help young girls build up a toolkit of strategies that enable critical thinking, curiosity, resilience, self-regulation and confidence.​

  • To be a unique space for young girls to be heard, feel seen and to explore the big questions.

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